Animal Advocates Watchdog

Letter to BC Tourism web sites

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you on behalf of the thousands of angry BC residents who are outraged at the treatment of Tina the elephant at the Greater Vancouver Zoo.

As I'm sure you're aware, the zoo has announced plans to send poor, sick Tina to a worse zoo in Toronto. There, she will be chained, poked and prodded and trained to perform. Even the weather conditions in Toronto are worse than here, and Tina will be forced to spend many long months confined indoors.

The story of Tina has outraged every single radio and TV personality that I'm aware of, and many are joining the campaign to have Tina seized from the zoo's care and sent instead to a wonderful elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. This is the only place Tina will be able to live a peaceful, happy, free life, and yet the Greater Vancouver Zoo said "no" to them, and chose Toronto for an undisclosed financial consideration, which they of course deny. Make no mistake, there can be no other reason for what they are doing. Zoo's only understand money, that's what they are all about, and it is at the expense of poor creatures like Tina. With this in mind, I am asking if you would please do your part in helping Tina, by removing all references to the Greater Vancouver Zoo from your promotional web site, until the decision has been reversed and we are confident that Tina will be going to Tennessee. The BC tourism industry is getting ready for summer, and if the zoo loses business, they may be forced to change their minds.

Here are some links about Tina so you may see for yourself what this is all about:

Thank you for doing the right thing, and for helping Tina.


Messages In This Thread

TINA the elephant - you can help her (links to many photos) *LINK*
TINA the elephant - take one minute to send a letter
Unable to contact the zoo...
My letter to the Greater Vancouver Zoo
Letter from Pacific Animal Foundation to Zoo . .
Petition to save Tina-please sign
TINA to be sent to another animal-abusing zoo in Bowmanville, Ontario
Contradictory statements reveal how animal-users lie
Raif Mair (CKNW) on Tina's side
Tina - thanks AAS; and I want you to know I too care and have not been idle
A letter to send to langley Township Mayor and Council
ADMIN! Write the SPCA. Ask it to use its power to help TINA
The names of the TINA's owners: Write a polite letter *LINK*
Letter to BC Tourism web sites
GVZ knew TINA needed a better environment in 1998 *LINK*
Bowmanville Zoo criticized by Zoocheck investigators
Reply from Langley Township Councillor . . .
On TV - GVZ officials still giving misinformation to justify the decision to sell TINA to another despicable zoo
