Animal Advocates Watchdog

The truth about how the BCSPCA really "works with rescue"

The BCSPCA has been recently boasting about how it is working closely with and in cooperation with rescue groups, but their actions do not support this claim.
Crystal Kerr is the person who rescued Missy from a life of misery, Crystal is the one who relentlessly documented facts and fed the SPCA information about Missy, Crystal is the one who arranged for two foster homes, Crystal is the one who has offered to help pay costs associated with Missy, and Crystal is the one who reached out to work WITH the BCSPCA to save Missy. The SPCA's response to Crystal's amazing efforts? Silence.
It appears the BCSPCA is only interested in working with those rescue groups who continue to kiss their behinds, who never question their decisions, and who don't pressure them into doing the job they are mandated by law to do. I don't call this "working with rescue", I call it "politicking". And that is something the BCSPCA has always been good at.

Messages In This Thread

More BC SPCA stonewalling and silence: Tofino Tied Pup "Missy" update *LINK*
What has happened to Missy?
Yes, what DOES the SPCA have to hide?
The truth about how the BCSPCA really "works with rescue"
"We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves"?
