Animal Advocates Watchdog

Message #1

Due to a lack of constructive response by posters on the other board, I'm copying my messages here, to see if we can come up with good ideas together.

Something that has not been brought up yet, are the effects that performing euthanasia have on an SPCA employee. I worked for a vet, and still know many animal health technicians that do, and they tell me that in order to survive this part of the job, you must toughen up. Some have even commented that it hardly bothers them anymore. They put down far fewer animals than an SPCA does, so imagine how "toughened" these employees must become after a while. I believe this is part of the reason that the SPCA should separate into two divisions and treat the pound contracts separately from everything else they're supposed to do. How can you have "toughened" employees doing all of the warm fuzzy stuff effectively? It is not in human nature to switch emotions on and off like this.

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Message #1
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toughened employees
Re: toughened employees
