Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA policy lies: Killing is the only solution: We are kinder than you are when we kill by the gross

"Our organization is based on animal welfare and does not prohibit the killing of animals if that is the only solution.

The SPCA calls this callous policy "animal welfare", but this is proved false by many of the SPCA's policies and actions. Animal control contracting and unlimited surrender are two policies that make animal welfare expensive and which lead easily and inevitably to the corruption of cheap, quick solutions, and the consequent need to misrepresent that killing as humane. When there is anything to hide or misrepresent, a P.R. firm or person is hired, and that is just the course the SPCA has followed: Unlimited surrender (provides lots of free product - both quickly and cheaply sold product and hard to sell product that has to be got rid of) and animal control contracts (money to dispose of unwanted pets), mean lots of killing to do and lots of lying about all the killing. SPCA spokespersons, from the top P.R. person down to the branch managers lie all the time, either directly or by implication as Kamloops SPCA manager Gore has done.

Killing is not ever the "only" solution, as real animal welfarists prove every day, and for the SPCA to imply that it is the only solution is the proof of the SPCA's use of slick weasel-words that fool the public and the media. If there is no other solution, then the SPCA is being "noble" to kill the poor things, is the scam that the SPCA has practised so successfully for so long. That is the most effective lie that has kept animal controllers disguised as animal welfarists, and rolling in dough all over North America. The public and the media believe the most ironic lie of all... "We kill out of love, aren't we brave and good!"

Messages In This Thread

SPCA quickie solution to feral cats is to kill them all, then call this "animal welfare"
BC SPCA Operational Bulletin #12A: Feral Cats, Neuter and Release Programs
SPCA policy lies: Killing is the only solution: We are kinder than you are when we kill by the gross
Lykkemark still doesn't know why there are so many kittens at this time of year?
Say, what does the S.P.C.A. do?
Money, money, money...but where does it go?
No feral cat program is the answer to Ms. Lykkemark's question.
If you really cared about animals, you can never put into its healthy body a fatal injection
