Animal Advocates Watchdog

Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore

Bonnie Bischoff was hired at the Kamloops Daily News immediately after she left the Kamloops SPCA (during the puppymill killings that she did the assessments for). Shortly after that, Bonnie was "elected" as BC SPCA Regional Director for the Thompson Region.

Media in Kamloops (radio and newspaper) are extremely pro SPCA.

Jennifer Gore is still the manager at the Kamloops SPCA. I believe she has also been appointed head of the SPCA ethics committe if I'm not mistaken.

I am not shocked by this news. I am heartsick and disgusted for those poor cats.

Messages In This Thread

The Kamloops SPCA "shelter" HAD to euthanize 59 cats
Only the SPCA could turn a big killing event into a big fundraising event
Maybe the SPCA can paint happy faces all over the killing room
"The new kitties say thank mew!" So ends Bonnie's party invitations. I wonder what the dead kitties would say?
hopefully they are painting the room black out of respect *NM*
Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore
Re: Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore
Links to the Kamloops Puppymill Killings web pages *PIC*
There was time when mass killing could be called animal welfare
Some facts about vaccines: death was not the only remedy
Cats were killed willy-nilly
HAD TO KILL 59 CATS? Who is holding a gun to their heads?
