Animal Advocates Watchdog

Some facts about vaccines: death was not the only remedy

Several years ago the Vernon SPCA had an outbreak of feline distemper. It closed the facility and killed all the cats. Just by coincidence I happened to have rescued two young cats that had been in contact with Vernon SPCA staff at the time of the outbreak, and both came down with distemper-like symptoms a few days after arriving at my home. One was four months old, the other about nine months old. With a lot of supportive care - subcutaneous fluids, antinausea drugs, and antibiotics - both cats survived and went on to be healthy and happy.

BC SPCA Chief Animal Health Officer and Veterinarian Dr. Jamie Lawson admits that distemper in young adult cats can generally be survived with supportive nursing care:

“It’s usually only fatal to young cats less than six months old. You’ll see lots of deaths up to a year. Many adult cats will get sick, but will recover,” he said.

The American Veterinary Medical Association would agree. According to the AVMA:

"The prognosis for kittens less than 8 weeks old is poor. Older cats have greater chance of survival if adequate treatment is provided early in the course of the disease. Treatment is limited to supportive therapy to help the patient gain and retain sufficient strength to combat the virus with its own immune system.

The veterinarian will attempt to combat extreme dehydration, provide nutrients, and prevent secondary infection with antibiotics. If the cat survives for 48 hours, its chances for recovery are much better.

Plenty of "tender loving care" is very important. Cats may lose the will to live; so frequent petting, hand feeding, the cautious use of heating pads, and good nursing care by the owner is essential."


Lawson also admits that the Kamloops SPCA facility is inadequate when it comes to being able to control the spread of disease:

"The Kamloops shelter isn’t ideally laid out to contain such outbreaks because the rooms are all connected. He recommended one room be sanitized and the cats not at risk be housed there, while those that were sick be euthanized."

Just a few months ago the Prince George SPCA killed a large number of cats in its facility because of a suspected distemper outbreak.

Vernon, Kamloops, Prince George, and very likely many other SPCAs - but these three that we know of for sure - have chosen to kill en mass those it has made sick in its substandard facilities. This is not animal welfare.

Animal Advocates Society has been saying for a long time that SPCA facilities are disease-filled and soul-destroying warehouses that kill those they have made sick, be it physically or psychologically. I fail to understand how ANYONE can keep referring to these places as "shelters". Shelters don't make the sheltered sick and then kill them.

I also don't believe for one second Lawson's statement: “I know how traumatic it was for the staff.” The staff don't seem to mind taking a paycheck home at the end of the day. If they were really that traumatized they would have quit long ago. Instead they skipped right along and organized a painting party. Oh, but not before the manager "appealed for donations to help with the extra expense the shelter has had to incur as a result of the outbreak". Only the SPCA would have the unmitigated gall to off fifty-nine cats and then ask the public for more money.

I am so very sorry for you fifty-nine little dead cats. I am so sorry the SPCA failed you. I am so sorry it is shamelessly and disrespectfully using your deaths to make money. You deserved better.

Messages In This Thread

The Kamloops SPCA "shelter" HAD to euthanize 59 cats
Only the SPCA could turn a big killing event into a big fundraising event
Maybe the SPCA can paint happy faces all over the killing room
"The new kitties say thank mew!" So ends Bonnie's party invitations. I wonder what the dead kitties would say?
hopefully they are painting the room black out of respect *NM*
Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore
Re: Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore
Links to the Kamloops Puppymill Killings web pages *PIC*
There was time when mass killing could be called animal welfare
Some facts about vaccines: death was not the only remedy
Cats were killed willy-nilly
HAD TO KILL 59 CATS? Who is holding a gun to their heads?
