Animal Advocates Watchdog

There was time when mass killing could be called animal welfare

The SPCA insists that this is all part of animal welfare, regrettable, but not unusual, and not its fault.

The majority of people won't buy that anymore. The SPCA won't give up its old ways but the public has moved ahead of it. That stubbornness or inability to understand the ethics of animal welfare is ultimately going to be disastrous for the BC SPCA.

Animal welfare saves - animal control kills. The killing of fifty-nine sick cats is animal control of the most basic, raw, brutal kind.

It amounts to a kind of pest control because the Kamloops SPCA takes in as many as twenty cats a day and it can hold over one hundred we are told. Whatever the figures, there are not that many people buying used cats. The unsold must be killed.

Why is the SPCA still taking cats in numbers that requires it to kill so many? The SPCA would say that it is inhumane to turn them away.

We would say that it is bad for business to turn away animals. That's not how you get donations. And if I were a cat, I would choose the streets over the SPCA. If you're a cat on the streets, there's a good chance that a real animal welfarist will find you and take care of you. Your chances of getting out of an SPCA cage alive are not nearly as good as your chances on the street.

We used to think that the Board of the BC SPCA would make its employees do real animal welfare once they figured out what that is. But with new members like Bonnie Bischoff being added to the Board, we no longer have any hope.

Messages In This Thread

The Kamloops SPCA "shelter" HAD to euthanize 59 cats
Only the SPCA could turn a big killing event into a big fundraising event
Maybe the SPCA can paint happy faces all over the killing room
"The new kitties say thank mew!" So ends Bonnie's party invitations. I wonder what the dead kitties would say?
hopefully they are painting the room black out of respect *NM*
Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore
Re: Bonnie Bischoff and Jennifer Gore
Links to the Kamloops Puppymill Killings web pages *PIC*
There was time when mass killing could be called animal welfare
Some facts about vaccines: death was not the only remedy
Cats were killed willy-nilly
HAD TO KILL 59 CATS? Who is holding a gun to their heads?
