Animal Advocates Watchdog

As this is the vet's office that my five

companions use, I was very interested in reviewing the site.

I found it to be informative and was pleased to see information about puppy mills (though I wish it was Canadian content) and was very taken with the Memorial Page.

I do think some of the articles are produced by individuals who have "hard and fast" rules, but for the most part this site gives quick and easy reference for senior animals, general health care and some great tips.

Like any peice of information we need to review it and then decide for ourselves what works for us and what does not apply.

Animals, like people are so individual that a blanket statement about anyone of them maybe incorrect.

Messages In This Thread

another link to a dog care web site.
Re: another link to a dog care web site.
Re: another link to a dog care web site.
As this is the vet's office that my five
Re: another link to a dog care web site.
For god's sake Informed
Re: For god's sake Informed
Here's your answer
Why is it I do not see much here about cats?
? I was positive I just sent a post....
Sorry KD - here is my answer to your question
