Animal Advocates Watchdog

Why is it I do not see much here about cats?

Why is it I do not see much here about cats?

If AAS did only primates would you ask us why we don't do fish?

Informed, your pointed questions are a waste of this board's time and you have done this for the last time. All your posts will be pulled form now on. All personally snippy posts will simply be pulled as soon as they are detected. We will not allow this board to be dragged down into the gutter by posters like you.

Messages In This Thread

another link to a dog care web site.
Re: another link to a dog care web site.
Re: another link to a dog care web site.
As this is the vet's office that my five
Re: another link to a dog care web site.
For god's sake Informed
Re: For god's sake Informed
Here's your answer
Why is it I do not see much here about cats?
? I was positive I just sent a post....
Sorry KD - here is my answer to your question
