Puggles' Rescue


Puggles the 4 yr old Himalayan Cat, over a month alone living in an air vent, terrified after being abandoned at a rental property....

Rescuers set a baited trap and in a few hours his hunger overcame his fear and creeping out of the vent, he followed hs nose, into the tender trap where his life changed once again, but this time for the better. The poor boy was quite thin, dirty, and upset, but so grateful for attention.

Puggles is doing so well and is enjoying living with his new family and even likes the other cat. They follow each other around talking to one another.  What a happy ending for Puggles!

Thanks so much AAS for all your help with Puggles' and Bogie's bills!

                        Puggles, Teac, and Bogie