Animal Advocates Watchdog

Selling and killing sick animals: Dot survives the pestilent Surrey SPCA *PIC*

Last Saturday Dot was sold by Surrey SPCA to a breed rescue group for ninety dollars. Dot was purported to have kennel cough, yet she was not in isolation. Dot's eyes were crusted with dried green pus, and purulent green discharge oozed from both nostrils. Dot is blind in one eye and has ten percent vision in the other. She does not produce enough tears to lubricate her eyes.

The SPCA had Dot spayed, but no medication had been given to treat her eyes. Her poor little face hadn't even been wiped. The simplest of things, like wiping a little sick dog's oozing face before it becomes encrusted and painful, hadn't even been done.

Dot was sold with an antibiotic for her kennel cough. The antibiotic was dispensed by the SPCA, not the vet, and the dosage recommended by the SPCA was three times too high for a dog Dot's size.

Once in rescue, Dot went straight to the vet and had her eyes checked. She is now on expensive eye medication, and she will be for life, but she is worth it. She is also on a hypoallergenic diet for her skin. She has been groomed, and cleaned, and properly medicated in the capable and caring hands of rescue, and she is one happy, lucky little blind dog today.

Surrey SPCA declined to give breed rescue a little black cocker spaniel that day, saying that a wonderful home was waiting to adopt her. On Tuesday March 23, Surrey SPCA euthanized six dogs because of kennel cough which the SPCA gave to them. The little black cocker spaniel was one of them.

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Selling and killing sick animals: Dot survives the pestilent Surrey SPCA *PIC*
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Re: Selling and killing sick animals: Dot survives the pestilent Surrey SPCA
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