Animal Advocates Watchdog

Surrey volunteers shocked by the destruction of Cole *PIC*

Cole (Lab-SharpeiX )
In December of 2003, Surrey volunteers were shocked by the destruction of Cole.

Cole came into the Surrey SPCA on December 9 and was up for adoption, after being assessed as yellow zone, which means Cole had minor fixable issues. The fact that Cole was at risk of euthanasia was not communicated to any of the volunteers.

Dog Walkers and volunteers had equally good experiences with Cole and no signs of aggression were noted. Dog Walkers were given no indication that he should be treated any differently than any dog that they walk.

Hugh Coghill, the branch manager at the time, was absent, however, most people did not know this as his message machine did not state he was away.

Barry McKnight and Jocelyn Morgan were in charge during his absence and are assumed to have made the recommendation for Cole's destruction.

Cole was euthanised, without explanation, 9 days after he came into the "care" of the Surrey SPCA.

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Surrey volunteers shocked by the destruction of Cole *PIC*
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