Animal Advocates Watchdog

I'd like to be part of a campaign to urge Vancouver restaurants to stop serving veal

Are there veal producers in BC, does anyone know? Where are they? Can anyone get photos of them?

All cruelty bothers me a lot, but this one uses babies and I am ready to do more than just helplessly cry!

I'd like to be part of a campaign to urge Vancouver restaurants to stop serving veal.

I've been in touch with Animal Advocates and it turns out that they have wanted to do this for a long time too. Please contact Animal Advocates at if you will find out the names of some Vancouver restaurants that serve veal so that a (polite) letter-writing campaign can be started.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
