Animal Advocates Watchdog The Truth about Foie Gras *LINK* *PIC* The Truth about Foie Gras is a coalition dedicated to exposing the cruelty of the foie gras industry. Just two companies are responsible for the barbaric practice of foie gras production in the United States—Hudson Valley Foie Gras in New York and Sonoma Foie Gras in California.

Over the course of many months, the coalition conducted a nationwide investigation into the domestic foie gras industry. uncovered filthy, crowded conditions and documented an industry standard of disregard for the pain and suffering inherent to foie gras production.

Investigators took undercover footage of the immensely traumatic forced-feeding process, and rescued fifteen of these long-suffering ducks.

Delicacy of Despair, an undercover documentary about our investigation and rescue is now available on VHS and DVD through this website.


Chicago Won’t Swallow Foie Gras Cruelty
26 April 2006

Today, the Chicago City Council passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of foie gras. Alderman Joe Moore (D–49th Ward) authored and championed the animal welfare bill. In October 2005, it gained the unanimous support of the Chicago City Council Committee on Health before entering the Council for a vote. Read more »

Chef Pulls Foie Gras off Menu after Seeing Video.
14 September 2005

A Chicago Chef has pulled foie gras off his menu after viewing’s undercover documentary Delicacy of Despair, reports the Chicago Sun-Times. Contact us to request copies of the video to give to restaurants.

Update on Legislative Campaigns
14 June 2005

Find out more about the exciting legislative actions that are being taken against foie gras production and what you can do to help!

For updates, subscribe to our email list.
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Messages In This Thread

PETA: Victory! American Veal Association Pledges to End Cruel Confinement of Calves by 2017 *LINK* *PIC*
I'd like to be part of a campaign to urge Vancouver restaurants to stop serving veal
Add foie gras to the campaign *LINK* *PIC* The Truth about Foie Gras *LINK* *PIC* discovered corpses of ducks who had literally burst open through overfeeding *LINK* *PIC*
The cruelty of veal - take a look and then ask restaurants to stop serving up plates of pain and suffering *LINK* *PIC*
I guess I am lucky and know some kind farmers!
Did you miss my earlier post?
Kindness would be to let that calf run around beside its mother
Grew up beside a dairy farm. Need I say more?
Drink milk, eat cheese....
Animal cruelty and why eating them is wrong
