Animal Advocates Watchdog

Drink milk, eat cheese....

You may as well eat veal..... According to Lindsay Kaplan I need not rescue any more animals because there is no way I can care about them and eat them at the same time, think of the money I will save! I better take back the mare I just saved from slaughter! Anyone want three dogs?

Meat-cheese eaters are keeping those calves from being with mom because she needs to be milked so they can have cheese. You can't have it all at once and it's only the boys that are veal not the girls!

You can't paint all farmers, ranchers with the same brush nor can you paint all consumers with the same brush, yes I eat meat, I do and I like it, I also pay extra for free range organic meat/eggs/milk so that I know the animal had a life prior to it being on my plate and that is a choice I make for myself. I also buy much of my food from local farmers that I have met and know how they treat their animals.

Then there is the whole issue of feeding your pet dogs and cats, what do you think they eat?

As well other foods we eat, drugs we take, make up, cream there are MILLIONS of products in your cupboards at home that you probably don't realize has either animal byproducts or was tested on animals. It's very deep and complicated so even those of you like Lindsay who scream murder aren't innocent and because of the way things are today you can't be innocent either. Nobody can as it's almost impossible, can we try harder? Of course but we can't be perfect.

I do rally for better treatment of all animals and agree we need better practices but I don't feel that extremists should be trying to stop people or force people to change as nobody will change if forced and people rarely listen to someone bullying them.

I have spent time working on ranches, in the horse industry, dog rescue, dairy farms you name it and I have seen all sides of the coin the good the bad and the ugly and you bet changes need to be made, changes have been made and there are some amazing farmers and ranchers out there, remember the one's that value their livelihood treat those animals like gold. The rancher I worked treated the cattle better than his wife!

Messages In This Thread

PETA: Victory! American Veal Association Pledges to End Cruel Confinement of Calves by 2017 *LINK* *PIC*
I'd like to be part of a campaign to urge Vancouver restaurants to stop serving veal
Add foie gras to the campaign *LINK* *PIC* The Truth about Foie Gras *LINK* *PIC* discovered corpses of ducks who had literally burst open through overfeeding *LINK* *PIC*
The cruelty of veal - take a look and then ask restaurants to stop serving up plates of pain and suffering *LINK* *PIC*
I guess I am lucky and know some kind farmers!
Did you miss my earlier post?
Kindness would be to let that calf run around beside its mother
Grew up beside a dairy farm. Need I say more?
Drink milk, eat cheese....
Animal cruelty and why eating them is wrong
