Polly's cats
How the recue network gets real animal welfare done and keeps animals out of cells and cages!
Polly is a single mother of two children and two cats who recently moved to a new home in Mission BC, where she "inherited" two stray kittens about nine months old - just the right age to start breeding. Now Polly had four cats that needed to be spayed and neutered and two that needed new homes. Polly contacted AAS because she did not want to take the cats to where they might be killed and the Mission Pound does not take cats. AAS contacted a rescue group in Mission, the Fraser Valley Humane Society and within hours the details were being discussed, and arrangements were being made. Animal Advocates will be paying the bills and Fraser Valley Humane Society will do all the work.
Cat rescuer Diane got a typical call from her vet. A cat and her two kittens were in a box at the front door when staff arrived. Diane has rescued cats from drug houses, from street people, and feral cats, for ten years, and for ten years AAS has been helping her pay the bills. AAS has paid for vaccines, deworming and for Wanda's spay.
Granny was rescued by AASwith seven other cats when their owner was evicted many years ago. Granny has chronic ear and teeth problems so she became a "keeper" - a cat that has to have lifetime care. Granny before her most recent dental surgery.
Big Boy
AAS got Big Boy when his owner moved and left him behind. Neighbours told AAS that they didn't want to take him to the SPCA, so we took him in. He was treated for upper respiratory syndrome and eye infections and asthma.
(Big Boy was rehomed with a non-smoker.)
Sammy was that most common of cats, a plain black shorthaired stray. No-kill shelters tend to fill up with these cats (kill agencies kill a lot of them). Sammy is young and healthy and waiting for a home with a family that will not abandon him again.
(Sammy has been rehomed.)
Angel is a two year old spayed female. AAS rescued her from a crack house where the adults and the children were viciously abusing her. She was covered in flea-bite scabs and terrified when AAS got her, but she is ready for a home now. (Angel has been rehomed.)
Daisy is another of the cats that AAS got from the evicted owner. Daisy's teeth were rotten and she was very timid but after her teeth wre fixed we found a new owner who likes timid cats.
Joanna was trapped by AAS as a feral kitten. She is one of the ones that stayed very timid and so she was passed over. She is still timid but would be very happy to be someone's only cat.
(Joanna has been rehomed.)