Whistler Sled Dogs, Robert Fawcett, and the SPCA
In April 2010, Robert Fawcett killed and buried as many as 100 sled dogs on the orders of his boss at Outdoor Adventures Whistler. This act was discovered in 2011. Who failed the sled dogs?
Whistler Sled Dogs Court Appearance June 19, 2012
A small but sincere group of protesters showed up at the North Vancouver Court House this morning (June 19, 2012), politely and quietly holding their signs that honoured the dead sled dogs, killed by Robert Fawcett, in April 2010, shortly after Whistler's Winter Olympics ended.
Sled Dog Watchdog
Terry Cumming, founder of SledDogWatchdog.com has for many years been the most vocal defender of sled dogs in the Yukon and the most relentless exposer of all those who benefit from the dogs's suffering: the breeders, the mushers, the vets, the media and the politicians.
Sled Dog Action Coalition
The Sled Dog Action Coalition is committed to improving the lives of Iditarod sled dogs and providing truthful information about their treatment.
Lakota Song
Lakota Song is dedicated to all of those dogs who have met death for simply growing old or becoming injured... It is dedicated to the dogs who continue to live their lives at the end of four to six foot chains with nothing more than a rusty food bowl and a dilapidated dog house...
Sled Dogma
Sled Dogma exposes the truth about the commercial sled dog industry. Meet the mushers and see for yourself how it's done. See the conditions real "working dogs" must endure and dispel some common misconceptions. Learn about how your tax dollars are spent supporting and subsidizing the commercial sled dog industry. And more.
Salmo Sled Dogs
After multiple complaints to the BC SPCA that were brought to the attention of AAS in late 2008, we were told in February 2009 that the dog houses are now raised off the ground. Read complaints to BC SPCA.
Seymour Sled Dogs
I'm a school bus driver and on this particular afternoon I had a group of teens that were going tubing on Seymour Mountain. It was a beautiful day, with a hint of fresh snow it was a little cloudy but nice. It was quiet and then the most disturbing thing happened that and I felt helpless! I’ll try and explain from the beginning.