Animal Advocates Watchdog

Killing to "Protect the Public" *LINK*

Killing to "Protect the Public"
What poses a "public health hazard" needs further clarification. A search on the internet finds "ringworm" under this category. To be a true hazard, the animal's disease must be such that it is incurable, contagious and life-threatening to humans or other species and that there is no other reasonable remedy to protect the lives and safety of others. A volunteer committee with a veterinarian and rescues workers should make this decision.

Killing Weaning Puppies & Kittens
California law excludes all protections for kittens and puppies younger than 8 weeks old. But many believe they should not be killed and instead should be placed in foster homes with their mothers and siblings if at all possible. If a foster is not available, they should be cared for at the no-kill facility.

Transferring Animals to Kill Shelters
Hugs for Homeless Animals believes an animal should never be transferred from a no-kill to a kill facility for any reason whatsoever. Those that are euthanized are entitled to die in a place that can offer loving and compassionate arms to hold them in their last moments of life. A no-kill facility is the better choice.

Messages In This Thread

Watch CTV local news tonight for the final coverage of Finnegan *LINK* *PIC*
Rescheduled for Friday
That the SPCA is using this money in this pompous defamation lawsuit is sickening
By the time that I am writing this post, Finnegan is dead
Read about this lawsuit *LINK*
Promos are wonderful! Maybe the SPCA will finally get the message
CTV played the "trailer" for his story during American Idol last night
CFUN interview today at 10:30 - 1410 AM
Interview with SPCA P.R. person Lorie Chortyk says this was an exception. What about these dogs then? *PIC*
Yet the SPCA seized these dogs *NM* *PIC*
The SPCA's "state-of-the-art temperament test" - "Behavior-killing has become epidemic. It is huge at 'shelters' *LINK*
Killing to "Protect the Public" *LINK*
The Lure of Killing: Deterrents must be put in place at the outset to discourage fraudulent representations
Tests are a "state-of-the-art" excuse for killing dogs that need expensive rehabilitation
What rehabilitation does the SPCA provide for dogs with behaviour problems?
Many people tried to stop the use of the SPCA's test
Does anybody know what is taught at the "dog-savvy" course and how long the course is?
Finnegan was not an "exception"
These two dogs have been chained for about 6 years in this disgusting environment
Perhaps the SPCA has already contacted Marion of Dogs Deserve Better about this dog. We hope so
This type of thing is happening all the time and the SPCA does nothing
Thank You!!
