

Animal Advocates Society gets many pleas for help to pay medical bills for rescued dogs. Allie was a worn-out breeder saved by a family who needed her as much as she needed them. But when the medical bills mounted up beyond the single mother's ability to pay, AAS stepped in and paid $500 so that Allie didn't suffer.

"Do you assist with dog owners and vet bills? My poodle – Allie – that I adopted from UsedVic at 9 yrs is now 11 yrs and needs dental surgery.

"Allie was offered for free on a website called 'UsedVictoria', as the lady who had her said they could not keep her anymore. Allie had 3 litters with them and maybe she was no use to them now.

"I also had to get her spayed as a senior dog. Two yrs later she keeps getting ear infections and her breath is terrible because her teeth are very bad. The vet said she needs to have the abscessed teeth out as the infection is probably running through her body and may be causing the ear infections and her cough. She has been drooling lately as well. Unfortunately the bill is quite high for such a procedure. I have raised some money but still need more. My girls and I are first time dog owners so we are learning something new every day."

AAS paid $500 toward the bill ... three extractions and a follow-up exam two weeks later which included a tooth brush and instructions on properly brushing Allie's teeth.

"Allie is doing well and definitely I can see a change in her face since she had her painful teeth removed – seems as though a weight has been lifted and she has a more light hearted, less worrisome expression.

"Allie was quite woozy the first day home and didn't move her mouth much for a couple of days. She was on 4 days of pain killers and 2 weeks of antibiotics. She was a very good girl about taking those.

"She was back to her playful self by the end of the first week but, as I said, her expression seems to be lighter, less strained so I think she is quite happy to have those teeth out. Her breath does not smell at all! She was quite smelly from even a distance before – her yawns could make you faint!

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"Allie has been a constant source of love and support to us. I thought maybe there was a dog out there needing a couple of little girls to love and I hit the jackpot finding Allie. This is our first dog and a first for me too so we are learning the ropes. Even though Allie is 11 years old, the vet said she is healthy and we should have a few more good years with her."

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January 2014