
Heavy encrustations of tartar caused gingivitis of Hopie's gums

Heavy encrustations of tartar caused gingivitis of Hopie's gums

Overgrown toenails make walking difficult and knees and hips ache

Overgrown toenails make walking difficult and knees and hips ache


Animal Advocates is flooded daily with emails begging for help for a yard dog. Some are chained, some are penned, some are just left in a yard their whole lives, growing old and ill and in pain, and always sad.

Hopie was one such dog. We were told that Hope had been a yard dog for a long time, rarely allowed inside. She never complained so not many people knew about her. Animal Advocates was able to rescue her.

Now she can choose whether she wants to be inside or outside

Now she can choose whether she wants to be inside or outside

Shortly after we got her she "seized" the best bed and it's now hers!

Shortly after we got her she "seized" the best bed and it's now hers!


The first day was spent getting used to being inside any time she wanted and that she could go outside without worry because the door was always open.

Then she "seized" the best bed and it's now hers!

Second day was a visit to the vet

Second day was a visit to the vet

She had her teeth cleaned, x-rays taken, etc

She had her teeth cleaned, x-rays taken, etc

Second day was a visit to the vet. Teeth cleaning was scheduled to remove the heavy encrustations of tartar and to heal the gingivitis, x-rays of hips and spine were taken, the slow process of clipping back her toenails started, and Metacam for pain prescribed.

Third day was more fun. To the creek – it may have been her first time in water and she soon came to love it. Then walkies to the Village to meet new friends at the coffee shop and to the gas station to get a cookie.

Maybe her first time in water

Maybe her first time in water

Meeting friends at the coffee shop

Meeting friends at the coffee shop

She always gets cookies at the gas station

She always gets cookies at the gas station

Hopie goes out for fun three times a day, and once a day to the gas station! It's her "best thing"!

Going to the gas station is Hopie's "best thing"!

Going to the gas station is Hopie's "best thing"!

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