Taz’s Happy Ending


Animal Advocates got the call about Taz, a young Rottweiler cross, in 1998. We were told that Taz was the on her second litter of pups in a filthy backyard breeding operation in Burnaby. We went to the address and found a very sick bunch of dogs, nine pups with massive worm infestations, and so covered in fleas that they were lethargic and anemic. Taz was skin and bones from worms and inadequate food while nursing.

Appeals to the SPCA in Burnaby had been ignored, so AAS did the only thing it could to save Taz from this life, and her pups from being sold to abusers looking for a cheap guard dog to chain. We bought the pups and insisted there would be no sale if we couldn't buy Taz too.

First always is the visit to the vet. All were dewormed, defleaed, and shampooed and were given their first vaccines. Then they all went together to a foster home where they got the love and attention that dogs crave so much. The pups took us many months to rehome because of our high standards, and after more months of searching, we found a not very easy Taz, her forever home with Judy and Kevin Pollington and their two boys...


Judy Pollington:

We first saw Taz at her foster home. We were told that she did not trust men and in fact, she might actually bite a man. But when Kevin picked up a ball and threw it for her, she fell in love with him, and when we got into the car to go home and think this over, Taz jumped into the car with all of us.

We did think it over, and we did go back and get her and she made herself a part of our family from that moment. She seemed to want us as much, or more than we wanted her.

She was instantly protective of the boys, even (at first) trying to stop us from hugging or romping with the boys. It was clear that she thought the boys were in some danger. But it wasn't long before she realized that when hugs and romps were going around, she could get her share too. Then it was hugs and romps for everyone!

Eight years later she still enjoys hour-long hikes uphill through the trails above West Van, as often as Kevin can get her out and although her old legs and back can't do as much running around anymore she certainly never lets that stop her from trying. Her happiest times are going camping in the Okanagan with us. At the lake she swims back and forth keeping track of all the swimmers from the shore to the floating dock. She is the unofficial lifeguard of the beach there. When that gets tiring, she loves to dig up huge rocks in the lake and will submerge her head for 30 seconds or more to pick up the biggest ones. She carries them, whining the whole way, to a safe place on shore and goes back for more. This activity brings fascination and laughter to the passing public. Her other favourite activity, despite not liking most dogs, is playing with the 3 dogs next door to our cabin. She runs up and down barking and keeping the other dogs company as they retrieve sticks, although retrieving the stick doesn't interest her. She is loyal, silly and loving and we can't imagine life without her.

Christmas Eve 2004

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