Animal Advocates Watchdog

Work WITH the SPCA? How? *LINK*

The reason that AAS has dedicated ten years, a web site, a messageboard, and thousands of dollars to expose the SPCA is because it didn't take us long to realize that we could save dogs and cats until we dropped dead, and the suffering would go on - because the SPCA was not preventing cruelty, was not doing animal welfare, was not educating; that the SPCA was self-serving, not animal serving, and except for a few, had the whole province of BC, the media, and politicians, fooled.

I am puzzled to know who Lani thinks the SPCA would have allowed to "work with it". Thousands tried to and were snubbed. The SPCA had its empire and no one was going to make it change, at least not by asking, begging, or offering to "help".

It is a widely-held misconception that criticism is only negative. AAS criticism and investigating and documenting and exposing is the most positive thing ever done for animals in BC. Because of our hard work, our dedication, our common sense, our tactics, our money, and our courage in standing up to the SPCA's big fat lawyers, the SPCA has been forced to reform.

At last good thing are beginning to happen at the BC SPCA, but it is staggeringly naive to think that the SPCA would have done this on its own.

The SPCA that Lani thinks could have been worked with is the SPCA that left Lani's pups to die. You can read this story at

Messages In This Thread

What will be the fate of seized puppy mill dogs?
AAS should stop criticising the SPCA
Work WITH the SPCA? How? *LINK*
The SPCA was not doing those things Lani mentioned
I personally smell a fish so to speak
AAS is doing exactly what it was established to do.
Only by forcing the BC SPCA to prevent cruelty
Friends Of The Animals' letter to the SPCA
