Animal Advocates Watchdog

Only by forcing the BC SPCA to prevent cruelty

You are right to say that you do not understand why OKAWF and AAS invest so much time in "fighting" the SPCA, because it's clear that you don't understand.

The BC SPCA is the only society in our province that is legally empowered to prevent cruelty. For decades the BC SPCA has been neglecting its mandate of cruelty prevention, and has become entrenched in deceit and corruption. Small groups like AAS and OKAWF, and hundreds of others have been doing humane work for decades because the SPCA has not.

It didn't take long for some of us to realize that the only way to truly help all animals is to force the SPCA to fulfill its mandate. Through persistence and intelligent investigation, we have succeeded in forcing the BC SPCA to begin a reform process. We are hopeful that one day we will not have to spend our daily lives struggling to help animals because the BC SPCA will be doing its job.

We do not wish to destroy the BC SPCA. It has legal power to help animals. We do not. Its voice is a respected authority when improved legislation is asked for. Ours is more easily dismissed.

Only by forcing the BC SPCA to prevent cruelty can we ever hope to help all animals. This reform will take many years, but we will continue to monitor its progress, praise the SPCA when it gets it right, but hold its feet to the fire if it doesn't.

Messages In This Thread

What will be the fate of seized puppy mill dogs?
AAS should stop criticising the SPCA
Work WITH the SPCA? How? *LINK*
The SPCA was not doing those things Lani mentioned
I personally smell a fish so to speak
AAS is doing exactly what it was established to do.
Only by forcing the BC SPCA to prevent cruelty
Friends Of The Animals' letter to the SPCA
