Animal Advocates Watchdog

JRT's are easy to sell, that's why

Has anyone ever heard of the SPCA seizing rottie crosses from any of the hundreds of backyard breeders?

Maybe the JRT breeder signed them over to the SPCA to avoid a legal fight, but is the breeder being watched by the SPCA? They've never bothered to watch before. And if it was bad enough to seize, the SPCA should have got charges laid whether the breeder signed the dogs over or not. Just seizing and selling little purebreds is so profitable, but where's the lesson to the breeder much less all the other bad breeders and the public and the government? There is none, because the SPCA isn't interested in stopping bad breeders, just using them for the occaisonal fund raising event. If the SPCA really wanted to do something real about puppy mills, it would have asked for legislation long ago and it would have seized and prosecuted over and over to get the message out to the politicians that there NEEDS TO BE LAWS! EVEN IF IT HAS TO PAY A PROSECUTOR ITSELF! Does anyone know if the SPCA EVER hired and paid a prosecutor when the crown wouln't lay charges?

Does anyone know if the SPCA is drafting breeding control legislation - YET?

Messages In This Thread

SPCA Seizure and Prosecution News
Re: SPCA Seizure and Prosecution News
Marcie Ryan or the starving cows?
Re: Marcie Ryan or the starving cows?
What about the seven JRT's from Chilliwack?
JRT's are easy to sell, that's why
Re: JRT's are easy to sell, that's why
Re: JRT's are easy to sell, that's why
