Animal Advocates Watchdog

In 1995 W.F.I.D.O. failed to get any interest from the SPCA for puppy-selling standards

1995: W.F.I.D.O. (Western Federation of Independent Dog Owners) submitted a Draft “Act to Regulate the Sale and Purchase of Cats and Dogs” to the BC SPCA which was ignored;

2004: The BC And Interior Dog Breeders Association attempted to interest the SPCA in breeder's standards so that BC dog breeders would know what standards would protect them from seizure by the SPCA. No interest.

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SPCA Signs Agreement with BC Cattlemen
Re: SPCA Signs Agreement with BC Cattlemen
In 1995 W.F.I.D.O. failed to get any interest from the SPCA for puppy-selling standards
The Sun: Nicholas Read: 1994: Where are the puppymill standards?
This is a wealthy, powerful group with lawyers and government lobbyists
B.C. Dog Breeders Association has had no success in working with the SPCA to draft standards
I wish the BCCA well, but I also warn them to beware of the fox
