Animal Advocates Watchdog

Killing cats for being the wrong colour: Let's not forget how much progress we have all forced the SPCA to make

At that time (a few years ago), all ferals were killed. Any cat that came in in a trap was killed, feral or not.
The shelter manager (who is still there) gave these as just some of the reasons she killed cats (remember I worked there at the time, so she confided in me).
"I didn't like the way that cat looked at me."
"I didn't like the color of her eyes."
"She was a tortie. I hate torties, they're all mean."
" They came from so-and-so's place - she's crazy, I'm not saving her cats."
The shelter manager told many people that she would find good homes for the kittens, and then immediately killed them when they were brought in. She then would not co-operate with me on spay/neutering the adult cats at these peoples houses, and she blocked me from attempting to set up a spay/neuter program.
She ALWAYS killed at least one cat when the cages were all occupied. She told me she had to do that so there would always be an empty cage for someone to bring in a cat.
The cats that arrived at the SPCA in traps had blankets and pillows stuffed into the trap until they were squashed into the bottom of the trap. The cat would be urinating in fear. Then she would inject them with Euthanol through the grid of the trap, in full view of all the other cats in the room.

Messages In This Thread

Oh those pesky employees, they can't even keep straight a simple thing like "what's today's policy on who we kill for what?"
Internationally recognized animal welfare and rehabilitation programs?
Killing cats for being the wrong colour: Let's not forget how much progress we have all forced the SPCA to make
Through the use of one word i.e. policy, wiggle room is created
BC SPCA Policy #3: EUTHANASIA for space
"Euthanasia" is anything but "gentle" for feral cats
Let's get this straight - the SPCA hardly ever practices "euthanasia". It kills
Start calling a spade a spade and maybe the media will at last "get it"
I agree
Three years after branch amalgamation for consistency and still no consistency
Tracking the SPCA contradicting itself over why it kills. Oh what a tangled web... *LINK*
Mr Daniell: do cats get colds or don't they?
In 2002 the number of animals killed was enormously higher than what the public was led to believe
"Euthanasia" justification from the SPCA's manual
