Animal Advocates Watchdog

Penny Stone on no-kill

During the C-FAX interview Ms Stone said, "We accept in all animals, so it’s really hard. A lot of the no kill shelters will not take in animals unless they are medically and behaviourally sound. So it’s okay to be a no kill if you don’t take everything in, but the problem is then you miss taking in the animals who really, really need you. So we do take in a lot of animals that occasion that we will have to euthanize one or two of them, a case in point last week we had to euthanize a dog and it was very, very difficult for our staff and for all of us but it was a dog that probably would never be able to be adopted out, a very, very unpredictable angry dog, very sick, we did all the medical stuff with him, he started to show this very angry personality we had to make the very sad decision to euthanize him, and its very, very difficult but if we hadn’t made that decision to take that dog in where would he be would he have been let go or just passed around from people to people? We get cats in that have been hit by cars in such bad shape that to keep them alive, they’ll never be able to go to the bathroom properly then we do make the decision to euthanize.

"Or once in a while we’ll get a feral cat and we can’t find a foster home and it’s throwing itself up against the bars of the cage and its not fair. We have to think of the animals best interest it’s never about what’s easier for us, it’s always about what’s best for the animals."

"People have to realize that making yourself a no-kill shelter and never ever killing or euthanizing an animal means that you turn away a lot of the ones that really truly can rehabilitate and that you can make better with medical services, so I hate the term no kill there is no such thing. It’s great to say you’re no kill but then you’re not helping the ones that really need help."

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Re: C-FAX radio interview with Victoria SPCA manager raises many questions
Until the present CEO and probably most of the board of directors are replaced...
