Animal Advocates Watchdog

Was it a coincidence that the SPCA decided to attend after getting a call from an MLA?

I have to agree with AAS in why one and not the other? I attended the small shack and took the pictures that are posted and it is absolutely filthy and full of garbage. No wonder the 10 pups contracted staff infections. How this is allowed to go on puzzles me. Do you think this breed of dog loves to live in this confined, damp, cold and dark space? The shack is built at a higher elevation on a local mountain so the temperature is even colder. Where would the mother dog even lie in this garbage covered, wet & cold floor to properly feed all 10 pups?

It is also interesting that the SPCA weren't that interested in attending because they knew about her and the dogs had "food and shelter". I'm so fed up hearing that reason! JS wrote her email to AAS on Jan. 02/07 about the upsetting situation and on Jan. 03, between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m, I contacted Mike Farnworth, MLA, Coq./Pt.Coq. to fill him in on story as I was bewildered that nothing was being done. He said he would call the SPCA himself, which he did immediately. He got back to me to say they didn't answer so he left a message.

At noon, I went with the Coquitlam Now to the site and the SPCA had not been there.

Sometime after noon on the 3rd, the SPCA sent a Special Provincial Constable to the site.

Was it a coincidence that the SPCA decided to attend the shack on the 3rd to check the situation out after getting a call from an MLA? Is that what it takes? The possibility of an MLA telling other MLAs that the SPCA's enforcement of the PCA Act is irregular?

We'll never know. BB was finally issued an order to take the sickest pup to the vet and she had three days to do so. Why three days, with the pups showing signs of illness?

BB is selling pups that are unhealthy and to whoever can bring the cash the quickest. This is only one of many litters and there will be more coming. How sad! It breaks my heart.

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