Animal Advocates Watchdog

SPCA whistleblower protection

In 2004 Directors of the Big Heart Rescue Society meet with Mr. Daniell, CEO, BC SPCA and discussion was brought about regarding the employment security for staff and volunteers who "blew the whistle" for acts they witnessed within the SPCA.

Mr. Daniell assured our team that a solid whistle blower policy was in place and that open and honest dialogue was encouraged without fear of the whistle blower losing their position within the Society.

Messages In This Thread

SPCA seizures - why one person and not another? *PIC*
Backwoods Boxer Breeder *PIC*
Was it a coincidence that the SPCA decided to attend after getting a call from an MLA?
BC Civil Liberties Association in favour of whistleblowers site "Wikileaks" *LINK*
SPCA whistleblower protection
A wind of change - no longer easy to hide misconduct
One way to expose misconduct is in a courtroom
The implications for contemporary society are overwhelming
Lorie is advertising her pups for sale as "Rescued" *LINK* *PIC*
Why did the SPCA wait so long?
