Animal Advocates Watchdog

A letter to the BC SPCA

Kelowna, February 3, 2003

To: Lorie Chortyk, General Manager Community Relations,

Dear Ms. Chortyk:

It is hard to believe that 10 more of the dogs the Kelowna S.P.C.A. 'saved' quite a few months ago from a Beaverdell dog breeder, have been killed, making a total of 28 dead dogs.(AAS believes the total is 32.)

To 'save' these kinds of dogs from the farm of miserable owner Gaston LaPointe, only to kill them a few months later, in my opinion goes against everything the S.P.C.A. stands for: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

It appears that quite a few of the people who had worked with these dogs seemed to be of the impression that these dogs were doing fairly well. However, SOMEONE at the Kelowna Shelter must have decided it was time to play God once more and 'be done with these dogs'.

I know quite well by now that it is not in the B.C. S.P.C.A.'s 'make-up' to actually respond to letters received, even if they come from long-time members, even if your administration has not realized yet that since the shocking disclosure of the salaries of some of your "executive", I have been one of those long-time members who decided to no longer support the S.P.C.A. financially.

Instead, since I love animals and all my pets have been adopted from the Kelowna/Penticton/Victoria shelters, I support your shelter by giving food and supplies. (AAS takes issue with the use of the decent word "shelter" to descibe a place that kills.)

The Beaverdell incident/mass-killing does not help your fast-fading reputation. However, I will continue to support the animals that are unfortunate enough to end up in one of your shelters.

Perhaps it is time to see if the Kelowna management is perhaps a little burned-out and cannot make decisions about who is to live and who is to die.

I have personal experience with the Kelowna S.P.C.A. in that I adopted both a cat and a dog who were on 'death row'. Finer animals I have never had.

It is high time for your honourable executive to have a piercing good look at the people you employ who are to decide on life and death for the animals that end up at the shelters!

Yours Sincerely,

Manon Keij
Kelowna, B.C.

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna SPCA kills 10 more "Beaverdell Dogs"
The Kelowna SPCA: what did it do/not do?
What this says about the BCSPCA
BCSPCA press release
BCSPCA press release is misleading!
A letter to the BC SPCA
Ex-Kelowna SPCA employee confirms that dogs impregnated while the Kelowna SPCA and the disposition of the dogs.
Fired Kelowna SPCA employee does not believe the SPCA made proper attempts to rehabilitate the Beaverdell dogs.
Invitation to the BC SPCA to comment.
Kelowna SPCA volunteer adds her statement
Letter to the Kelowna Capital News (not yet published)
Critteraid comments on the Beaverdell dogs
Kelowna SPCA volunteer told not to come back for questioning
Candleight vigil to be held for Beaverdell victims
Confirming the breeding of the Beaverdell dogs at the Kelowna SPCA and more
The Culling of the Beaverdell Dogs: Here are the numbers again
What is important is to prove how grossly the SPCA ignored its mandate to prevent cruelty.
