Animal Advocates Watchdog

Confirming the breeding of the Beaverdell dogs at the Kelowna SPCA and more

Subject: Beaverdell dogs

I am writting to you because of the latest mass killings of the "Beaverdell dogs" at the Kelowna SPCA.

Under the care of the SPCA dogs became pregnant, at least twenty eight were killed, they were caged with others who were incompatible causing fights and they were dealt with negative reinforcement. Some were hidden away from the public and barely socialized. When the caring public inquired about them the staff was very secretive and would not give out any information.

When dedicated and concerned staff or volunteers questioned the treatment of the dogs and the decisions that were made they were liable to be fired or banned from the shelter. I know this for a fact. I am a past director of the Kelowna SPCA and the chair of Citizens For Circuses Without Animals which lobbied for a successful ban on wild and exotic animals in circuses in Kelowna. I complained about the dirty, wet and cold conditions of the dog kennels and a serious safety concern (a live electrical wire sitting in a puddle of water) and for my concern the manager Russ Forand banned me from the shelter and revoked my volunteer "privileges". A very special caring employee was fired two days after her own dog had died on the operating table just before Christmas of 2000. The manager fired her because she cared for the animals and would question decisions that were not made in the best interest of the animals. These are not unique situations. Also, others have been fired recently who cared about the animals. This week two dedicated volunteers were banned from the shelter. The Kelowna SPCA has the reputation of being very unfriendly for both animals and people. When asked about the Beaverdell dogs, staff were very secretive and wouldn't anwer any questions about the dogs. Volunteers always have the threat of being banned or sued. The manager threatened to sue me when I complained.

Last spring the BC SPCA announced a moratorium on euthanasia except for health and temperment reasons, and decisions had to made by a vet. I guess that didn't include the Kelowna SPCA. The latest batch of twenty eight Beaverdell dogs were killed here. Was a qualified Vet consulted about these important decisions and actually responsible for doing the procedures, or was it just staff? I also walked some of those dogs and I cannot accept their excuse that all of them were aggressive and not adoptable. I don't believe the SPCA did all they said they were going to do to help the dogs socialize and get used to their new world. I am not aware of any qualified dog trainers working regularly with them.

You have to wonder what is going on when ALL the other animal groups are criticizing the SPCA. These are caring, dedicated, and responsible people in these organizations who all have at least two things in common. They all love and want to help animals and they are all critical of how the SPCA operates and they want things to change for the better for the animals in our communities.

Connie Mahoney
Kelowna BC

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna SPCA kills 10 more "Beaverdell Dogs"
The Kelowna SPCA: what did it do/not do?
What this says about the BCSPCA
BCSPCA press release
BCSPCA press release is misleading!
A letter to the BC SPCA
Ex-Kelowna SPCA employee confirms that dogs impregnated while the Kelowna SPCA and the disposition of the dogs.
Fired Kelowna SPCA employee does not believe the SPCA made proper attempts to rehabilitate the Beaverdell dogs.
Invitation to the BC SPCA to comment.
Kelowna SPCA volunteer adds her statement
Letter to the Kelowna Capital News (not yet published)
Critteraid comments on the Beaverdell dogs
Kelowna SPCA volunteer told not to come back for questioning
Candleight vigil to be held for Beaverdell victims
Confirming the breeding of the Beaverdell dogs at the Kelowna SPCA and more
The Culling of the Beaverdell Dogs: Here are the numbers again
What is important is to prove how grossly the SPCA ignored its mandate to prevent cruelty.
