Animal Advocates Watchdog

Candleight vigil to be held for Beaverdell victims



Candlelight Vigil

When: Friday, February 7, 2003, 7 p.m.

Where: Highway 97 (Harvey Ave.) in front of Petcetera

In response to the recent Beaverdell dog tragedy, the following organizations would like to express our profound grief and dismay regarding the actions of the Kelowna SPCA, whereby ten rescued dogs met the same fate as eighteen others killed at the same shelter in 2002. For the following reasons, we feel that the SPCA, a society that claims to "speak for those who cannot speak for themselves", has betrayed not only the animal victims entrusted into their care, but public donors and supporters who have expected a higher level of insight, compassion, and patience in the handling of these very unfortunate, neglected dogs:

1)Numerous dog-walking volunteers, as well as two ex-employees (all of whom had extensively handled the Beaverdell dogs), have repeatedly expressed the opinion that these animals were "not vicious", but simply in need of more handling, training, and patience, and that they should not have been kept in shelter confinement for such an extended period of time.

2)Several individuals who had successfully handled the dogs–and were witness to improved behaviour–had expressed the wish to adopt some of the animals, yet their repeated requests were turned down by shelter management.

3)The Kelowna shelter relied heavily upon the advice of two non-local "experts" in dog behaviour, whose opinions allegedly influenced the recent decision to terminate the lives of the ten dogs. Yet other animal trainers have reported an excellent success rate with severely neglected dogs; in fact, a local dog trainer who had contact with the Beaverdell dogs last year, described them as being "not at all vicious" and was optimistic that they could be rehabilitated.

4)The BC SPCA announced a moratorium on euthanasia last year and, to our knowledge, this has not been lifted. Why was a group of neglected, basically timid dogs considered exempt from this protective ruling?

5)Two compassionate employees who had worked closely with the Beaverdell dogs state that they were fired from the Kelowna shelter. Young, inexperienced staff were hired on as replacements. Was this a decision based on logic, and in the best interests of animals needing expert care and training?

6)Quoting Lorie Chortyk, General Manager of Community Relations, BC SPCA: "It is indeed local shelter staff who carry out assessments on animals coming into the shelter and who determine the type of remedial care that the animals need..." However, numerous witnesses have stated that Kelowna shelter management had, when questioned specifically about the fate of the Beaverdell dogs, referred to this as a "head office" responsibility. Where is the truth in all of this?

7)Several local animal charities offered financial assistance to the Kelowna SPCA (for spaying and neutering the Beaverdell dogs). This offer was rejected. The Kelowna branch was made fully aware of community interest and support with regard to these dogs, yet the SPCA’s silence and non-acceptance of this help was astounding. On January 17th, 2003, the Capital News reported that "...animal groups were in a frenzy after a rumour circulated that the dogs would be destroyed on Thursday. The rumour was false...." ("Plight of apprehended dogs questioned"). Just over two weeks later, a mass killing quietly took place on Casorso Road. Many citizens were stunned by the news, and are now demanding answers.

With heavy hearts, we will publicly mourn our killed canine friends this Friday. Our thoughts and prayers will also be with the remaining animals in the Kelowna shelter.

[Names and contact info. for organizations]

Okanagan Collie Rescue ~

Messages In This Thread

Kelowna SPCA kills 10 more "Beaverdell Dogs"
The Kelowna SPCA: what did it do/not do?
What this says about the BCSPCA
BCSPCA press release
BCSPCA press release is misleading!
A letter to the BC SPCA
Ex-Kelowna SPCA employee confirms that dogs impregnated while the Kelowna SPCA and the disposition of the dogs.
Fired Kelowna SPCA employee does not believe the SPCA made proper attempts to rehabilitate the Beaverdell dogs.
Invitation to the BC SPCA to comment.
Kelowna SPCA volunteer adds her statement
Letter to the Kelowna Capital News (not yet published)
Critteraid comments on the Beaverdell dogs
Kelowna SPCA volunteer told not to come back for questioning
Candleight vigil to be held for Beaverdell victims
Confirming the breeding of the Beaverdell dogs at the Kelowna SPCA and more
The Culling of the Beaverdell Dogs: Here are the numbers again
What is important is to prove how grossly the SPCA ignored its mandate to prevent cruelty.
