Could Hong-Kong’s Animal Cruelty laws have been used to arrest the beaten Boston Terrier’s owner?

Could Hong-Kong’s Animal Cruelty laws have been used to arrest the beaten Boston Terrier’s owner?

Back story:  April 23, 2013 Cowichan BC: Chris Davies and other witnesses saw a man beating his Boston Terrier (read whole story).  In spite of there being willing witnesses the SPCA was unable to arrest the dog’s beater.
But Section 4 of the Hong-Kong Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ordinance may have made it possible for the SPCA to arrest the terrier’s owner.

Section: 4 Power of arrests, seizure, entry and search
(1) Any senior veterinary officer, any other officer of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the grade of Field Officer II and above and authorized in writing by the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, health officer, health inspector or police officer may arrest without warrant any person who he has reason to believe is guilty of an offence against section 3 or against any regulation under this Ordinance, whether upon his own view thereof or upon the complaint and information of any other person.  

If that means that the police and/or the SPCA could have arrested the Terrier’s beater on the information given by witnesses without there being proof of
distress, then perhaps the section should be added to the BC PCA Act.

~ Judy Stone, North Vancouver, BC

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