Animal Advocates Watchdog

Letter from Valerie Barry



I read a good quote recently that said the BC SPCA does not prevent cruelty to animals but rather prevents kindness to animals with its actions or lack thereof - sadly, I have to say that I agree wholeheartedly.

This organization has allowed neglect, abuse and cruelty to animals; pet overpopulation; unethical and "mill" breeding practices (even among its own employees); to remain the norm for decades without addressing these issues, setting the standard for constant improvement and either properly enforcing existing legislation or proposing and aggressively pursuing stiffer legislation. The BC SPCA seems to favour "easy wins" that garner media attention and keep up a false front in the eyes of the uninformed public. Their compassion and dedication goes no deeper than a few trite words quoted to some obviously biassed or lazy reporter in a local paper who doesn't bother to dig any deeper.

We want them to actually do their jobs. We want them to report honestly and accurately to the people in the communities who pay their salaries and provide donations, naively assuming these go the welfare of those animals we have entrusted to their care. Large salaries and perks associated with upper management are for people who have worked hard and earned their place in an organization by following and constantly improving the guidelines, raising the bar on expectations, and continuously working to improve the delivery of service to their clients (that would be the animals). This is how things work in the "real" business world - this is not what the well-paid employees of the BC SPCA have done. Not one member of the BC SPCA can work at any of the shelters or in any level of management of this organization that we see today and claim that they re doing a "good job". Any effort to reform and update their practices only indicates that they are finally starting to listen to the public and to pay attention to what the animal rescue groups have been saying for years.

The animals are suffering and you are not helping them fast enough - DO NOT allow this to continue.

1. Identify and prosecute offenders of cruelty against animals. Make these issues public and the public will support you. Do your job - use the powers you have under the Provincial Cruelty Act and Criminal Code of Canada; use your profile to lobby for stiffer laws and stricter penalties - again, the public WILL support you.

2. Stop the puppy and kitten (gerbil, hamster, rabbit, etc.) mill breeders - track them down and put a stop to their businesses. Everybody but you seems to know where they are and how appalling the conditions are for every animal. Open any newspaper, local or otherwise, to the pet classified ads and track down each phone number of every pet ad and investigate - few if any responsible breeders will advertise in the newspaper. Establish acceptable Provincial breeding practices and ENFORCE THEM.

3. Stop pet stores from selling live animals. This is absolutely criminal - there are more than enough unwanted animals in this world without allowing and even encouraging this practice to continue. There are more than enough pet products and services to sell without needing to sell animals to earn a living. Why have there, at least, been no Provincial health care and adoption guidelines established for pet stores selling animals, including those selling exotics? The SPCA is the Provincial body responsible for the welfare of all animals in this Province.

4. All SPCA employees who are involved in any way with breeding and/or selling animals represent a clear and direct conflict of interest - they should immediately be identified and fired. The fact that such employees do actually exist in this organization is a frightening reminder of how far off the mark the BC SPCA has fallen.

5. Stop the abuse of chained dogs. Put your money where you mouth is and do something about this abhorrent practice. Listen to the public who pays your salary, investigate their reports and do something decisive about the problem. Some food, some water and some shelter is not enough for any living creature. It's absolutely ridiculous to think that any one of us actually believes this is an acceptable standard of care - the fact that the organization charged with upholding our animal welfare believes this is acceptable is, once again, frightening.

6. Quit intimidating and lashing out at rescue groups and individuals and work with them. They have excellent experience (thanks, unfortunately, to you), progressive ideas and, very clearly, only the welfare of the animals at heart - there is no financial gain involved in their pursuits. Most don't have large salaries and don't care about perks and benefits when it comes down to that and to the life of an animal in distress. Listen to these people, work with them and learn from them - they don't want to have to do what they do - they want you to do it properly, and then they will help you.

I live and run a profitable business in BC, I am a member of the voting, tax-paying public and I do not like what I see. I want changes made and I want them made quickly. I want the BC SPCA to stand behind it's motto and to be the organization it is well paid to be and to live up to the expectations of the public. I am not alone in this, and I am waiting to hear what you are going to do. I and every other member of the public will not be satisfied until meaningful changes have been made and positive results have been achieved.

Valerie Barry
North Vancouver

cc: Animal Advocates Society

Attention: Judy Stone

Messages In This Thread

Letters: SPCA Board of Directors meeting Sept 7...
#1 - Theft of credit for the Creston PAWS rescue
#2 - SPCA staff who mutilate and breed and sell
#3 - Provincial Control of Breeding laws
#4 - Pet Store laws
#5 - Raise the Bar on seizures for neglected dogs
#6 - SPCA salaries - way out of line?
Re: #7 - SPCA "education" dishonesty
#8 - SPCA threatens and intimidates
Re: #8 - old story -SPCA threatens and intimidates
Re: #7 - Connie - more info please
Re: #7 - Connie - more info please
Re: #7 - Connie - more info please
#2 - Letter from Anne Heyes
Re: #2 - Letter from Emma V.
Re: #2 - Letters from Diane and Shirley.
Re: #2 - Letter from Vera V.
#2 - A letter from Colleen D.
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#1,2,3,4 A Letter From Jennifer Dickson
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