Animal Advocates Watchdog

Pit bull - Is it now being kept in the garage?

The person reporting this dog to AAS has just informed us that she believes that the dog is now being kept in the garage day and night.

Here is the history she has given us:

August 2001, She saw a 4-5 month old pit bull chained to the side of the garage, in the blazing heat, on the asphalt driveway, swaying, it's eyes glazed, no water, no shade from the hot, hot sun. No one seemed to be home, so she quickly got a container from the garbage and some water from a hose and gave the pup a drink and wet a towel she had in her car and put it on the pup's back.

Then she went to the SPCA and filled in the complaint form. She tells us that two SPCA constables, (names removed) checked on their computer and said, "Oh yeah, there have been neglect reports about two different dogs at that address. (Our complainant says that in fact this address has had four dogs in five years, all of them neglected.)

The SPCA may have sent someone, because shortly after, our complainant saw that the dog was now in a tiny plastic dog carrier, again without water.

She complained to the SPCA again, and went and got a dog house from a friend and took it and gave it to the owner (a young male) who then chained the pup to the dog house until he built the cage that is shown in our photos.

In the last few days, our complainant tells us that the pit bull is being hidden in the garage. We hate to think what this dog might do when, (we say when because they all get loose sooner or later) it gets out of the hellish conditions that are being used to make it lose its mind.

No dog deserves to be treated this way, and a civilized society would not permit it, for the sake of its citizens' safety and for the sake of the dogs . (Most of the victims of savage attacks are children, the elderly, and women.)

NOTE: this report has been sent to Mayor Campbell and Council, and the BC SPCA.

Messages In This Thread

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The SPCA waffles again......
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AAS did the research and warned this would happen
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Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #5
Re: Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #6
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #7
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Re: Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #17
More warnings: the Vancouver Courier
Re: AAS did the research and warned this would hap
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Re: Vancouver Yard Dogs: Report #2: Pit Bull
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