Animal Advocates Watchdog

Global TV web site news and links

Keith Fraser
Tuesday, December 31, 2002

One of two mastiff cross dogs who attacked Shenica White in Vancouver.

As 14-year-old Shenica White recovers from the wounds she received in a vicious mauling by two dogs, people in Vancouver are calling for policy reviews to prevent such attacks.

Vancouver Coun. Fred Bass, a dog owner himself, wants the city to look at how many vicious-dog attacks occur and whether certain breeds pose a higher risk.

But an animal rights group says that it's not the breed of dog that is the biggest indicator of aggressive behaviour -- it's the training and care of it.

The Animal Advocates Society of B.C. claims to have warned Vancouver council in a report 18 months ago that the city's backyards are full of 'time bombs' -- dogs who have become dangerously aggressive from constant confinement in small spaces.

The animal activists say too many dogs are left tied up in back yards by themselves for long periods of time. Their research shows that if the dogs escape, they'll be more insecure and aggressive than dogs who have been properly cared for.

The group would like Vancouver city council to introduce bylaws that would improve conditions for urban dogs. AAS outlined the suggestions and the reasons for making them in the report It's Time.

The report's suggestions include:

Ban tethering: Dogs can easily get accidentally entangled in their tether. Also, being tied prevents the animal from escaping a frightening situation. AAS is not asking for a by-law to prohibit temporary tethering.
Protect dogs kept in garages and sheds: Some dogs in Vancouver live their entire lives in a garage or shed. Although these dogs have shelter, they are lonely, spend most of their lives in the dark and sometimes have no sanitary place to sleep. AAS says the bylaw enforcer should have access to garages and sheds if there is reason to believe that a dog lives there for a substantial part of its life.
Establish a minimum dog pen size: AAS would like to see a by-law that states than a pen must be at least 200 square feet and that limits the length of time a dog can be isolated.
Ban muzzles: Dogs whine and bark when they are lonely and are neglected by the humans they count on to take care of them. Muzzling a dog to prevent it from making its needs be heard is inhumane and barbaric. Muzzling a dog has the same effect as chaining. It is an irresponsible way to control a dog's natural behaviours instead of appropriate human interaction and socialization training. It's the lack of responsible pet care that forces a dog to whine and bark incessantly.
The newly elected council hasn't said yet if it will revisit that issue.

© Copyright 2002 The Province, Global BC

Messages In This Thread

Vancouver Yard Dogs Attack Child
The SPCA waffles again......
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #2
AAS did the research and warned this would happen
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #3
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #4
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #5
Re: Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #6
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #7
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #8
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #9
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #10
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #11
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #12
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #13: Research shows...
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #14: Set the example
Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #16: An actress speaks
Re: Ltr to Mayor Campbell, #17
More warnings: the Vancouver Courier
Re: AAS did the research and warned this would hap
Lions Bay has a bylaw that bans chaining
Thank goodness for AAS responding for dogs& people
Vancouver Yard Dogs: Report #1: German Shepherd
Re: Vancouver Yard Dogs: Report #2: Pit Bull
Vancouver Yard Dogs: Report #3: German Shepherd
NOTE: Important statements: Report #3
Report #4: Dalmatian
Pit bull - Is it now being kept in the garage?
Our letter to the Editor: Province
What did Vancouver City council do in 2001?
The new COPE council said it will....
Were the two attacking dogs left for long periods?
Concerned citizen's letter #1
Concerned citizen's letter #2
Concerned citizen's letter #3
Global TV web site news and links
AAS warned City it may be responsible, June 2001
Vancouver City Pound denies prior aggression
It seems there was plenty of prior aggression
Custom Canine are the real experts
Re: Custom Canine are the real experts
City of Vancouver/BC SPCA , both dropped the ball
AAS warned City in Courier article
The SPCA and the City, both culpable
Is the City refusing to tell the White family...
In the same block as the dogs that mauled Shenica
Letter to Rafe Mair, CKNW
Two dogs bit before and terrorized the neighbours
Owners of two dogs cannot be charged - Province
The City should pay, not Shenica and the dogs
Congratulations AAS
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Who said what at the Council meeting of Sept 20/01
What if owners just chain their dogs inside?
Do the humane thing and safety will follow
VPD and women who steal dogs
Further research: Public Safety
City of Vancouver Re: dangerous yard dog "Lily"
Vancouver Sun story, Jan 6/02
Will the City hold public meetings on yard dogs?
AAS letters to Councillors Bass and Louis
Sun editorial, Tuesday, January 7/03
were the SPCA and/or pound contacted by police?
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